Saturday, March 7, 2009

Proverb for the Day

""Keep my commands and live,
And my law as the apple of your eye."
--Proverbs 7:2

I never realized it before, but Proverbs talks a lot about keeping God's commands and living. Makes you think they are pretty important, doesn't it?!

Keeping His law as the apple of our eyes is a good word picture. Just as the pupil is the center of our eye, we need to keep God's commands at the center of our lives. If we live a God-centered life, He will bless us. If we live a me-centered life, we will encounter many problems. I'm not saying that if we live a God-centered life that we won't have problems, because His word tells us that we will face trials. The great news is that no matter what trials we encounter, we know we can endure with His strength and wisdom and that He will bless us.

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