Thursday, March 5, 2020

Fear Not!

13 Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of the LORD. . . 14 The LORD shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace.
Exodus 14:13b-14 (KJV)

There has been much hype lately about the coronavirus. People are in hysterics about something they can actually do something to prevent. Building immunity systems, proper hygiene, and careful interaction with others are all easy ways to protect yourself.

However, do you realize that even when there is nothing you can do to protect yourself or your family that you still have no need to fear?

The Israelites were in a position where there was absolutely nothing they could do. They had rock mountains on two sides of them, the Red Sea on a third, and the Egyptian army closing in on the fourth-they had no way of escape. Or, that is how they felt anyway.

Moses tells them to relax and to not fear. God was fighting for them. God made a way where they didn't see a way-He opened the Red Sea for them to walk across! Not only could they now escape their enemy, but God destroyed the enemy when He closed the sea back up after the Israelites were safely across!

We can do the same. We don't have to live in fear. We just need to be still and trust God is in control (which He is!)_ and see His deliverance from the craziness around us. This doesn't mean that we don't take care to follow the precautions we can do to the best of our abilities, but we don't stress about how to do that or the outcome.

So, wash hands, strengthen your immunity with vitamins, and be careful, but do all that without fear!

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