Saturday, June 27, 2015

Exceedingly Abundant

Ephesians 3:20 
Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,

Have you ever prayed for something and God exceeded your expectations? Why does He do that?--Because He can and because He loves us!

Many times when we (my husband & I) pray about something, we think about the ways God may choose to fulfill those prayers. More often than not, God chooses a way that never even  crossed our minds and answers the prayer in abundance.

One example: Many years ago, our oldest daughter was in need of some clothes (she of course didn't have hand-me-downs). We prayed about it and tried to figure out how to get the money to buy her some (this was before I started sewing). God answered our prayers abundantly when that night we arrived at church and a new family that had been attending asked us if we could use some girls' clothes. They gave us three large garbage bags full of clothes in her size and larger; she was set for a few years! God went exceedingly, abundantly above our expectations!

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