Friday, January 18, 2019

The Wisdom of God, Part 3

Another way in which man thinks his wisdom has improved God's design is the light bulb. Now, I'm not saying the light bulb itself is bad, but what it has allowed us to do is to stay up past daylight and/or get up before it is morning and in many cases work during this time. Many current studies show that people do not get enough rest and this plays a major role in that.

"Thou makest darkness. . . The sun ariseth . . .Man goeth forth unto his work and to his labour until evening" (Psalm 104:20-23). God created a timetable for us to work-when the sun is up. If we truly would follow His ways in regards to work, then we would get the required rest our bodies need.

I will say tht this is a hard one to follow myself having grown up in a world that thinks working more produces more, which has to be better. However, I have found that if I go to bed closer to when the sun goes down and sleep until morning, I feel much better and do not feel the need for a nap in the afternoon, I don't drag my feet while doing work, and I actually accomplish more during the day.

I also remember a time where I was getting up early to exercise and I found myself not losing any weight. My doctor (naturopath) told me that if my body is not getting enough rest, then it will see exercise as stress and hold onto weight for "survival". I thought she was crazy for telling me the way to lose weight was to sleep more, but I gave it a try and you know what?! It worked! I started losing 1-2 lbs a week when I got the proper rest.

The Sabbath day is a day of rest as well and often people ignore that too. God tells us that the Sabbath day wasn't created only for man to worship Him, but to rest. Again, studies show that people are more productive when they have a day of rest.

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