Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Testimony Tuesday

I was a little late getting our family pictures ordered for our wall. The new photos arrived last week and my girls were switching them out and commented about how I have lost weight. I was a little confused, but looked at the photos side by side.

I could not believe the difference in my face! What is even more amazing is that I am actually about 10 lbs heavier in the 2018 photo due to being only one month post partum!

I have been told I had inflammation in my body for years, but I assumed that meant in my joints. I started taking Plexus Triplex in May of 2018 and then added in Ease (which is for inflammation) just a month prior to this picture. I can't believe the results!

I have lots of ways that Plexus has helped me feel and look better. I plan on sharing my testimonies as well as testimonies of others. I hope to do it every week, but bear with me if I miss a week. If you are using Plexus and wouldn't mind me sharing your testimony, please message me!

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