Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Testimony Tuesday

My husband and I have seen God provide for us time and time again. I am not sure why we still never let us down.
sometimes worry and fret because He has

I want to share with you a recent example of His provision.

We did were not expecting to purchase a vehicle anytime soon as all of our vehicles were running and we have been striving to get out of debt so we were just planning on making due with what we had. Our oldest daughter already had a car and even our second oldest found a car and has it running and she doesn't even have a license yet.

Anyway, my husband called me just over a week ago and told me he had purchased a vehicle! To say I was shocked is an understatement! When I asked why, he told me, "The price was right and I had the cash to pay for it." He even admitted he wasn't sure why God would provide this vehicle and such a great price, but He did. The vehicle needed some work, but we figured with just a few hundred dollars, it would be running and we had a few ideas of who might use it.

Well, come to find out, the fix was MUCH easier and MUCH cheaper than even he suspected. He had it up and running over the weekend. We plated it and insured it and figured it would save him money to drive that back and forth to work and it would leave me with the vehicle he had been driving for my errands so I didn't have to drive our bus (which doesn't has very good fuel economy). Well, God then showed us the reason for his provision! The vehicle that I was now driving broke down. Had he still been driving that back and forth to work, he would have been without a vehicle and would have had to drive the bus every day.

Granted, he can fix the vehicle, but while we are waiting for the parts to arrive and the time to fix it, he still has something to drive to work and I am just back to driving the bus.

I think that sometimes people don't think about things like this being a provision because it was provided before the need arose, but that is exactly what it is!

Has God provided for a need for you? I would love for you to share your provision testimony; it would be an encouragement to others to see God's great love for His children.

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