Friday, August 10, 2018

A Life Changed

I have shared about my own Plexus journey since I started a couple of months ago. I have many friends who have been enjoying and sharing their own Plexus journeys for a few years. In the beginning, I just watched, read, and listened to how Plexus was changing their lives. My friend, Sally, was one of the first people I saw experiencing benefits from Plexus. She is the one who kept telling me about how Plexus could help me. She is the one who continued to share her enthusiasm for products that have changed so many lives. She is the one who didn't give up on me, but didn't push me either. She was there to answer questions when I had them and waited for me to come to the conclusion that I was ready to make a change.

Two days ago, Sally shared her testimony again after enjoying Plexus for three years. The change is amazing and I just had to share with you. Yes, you can see changes immediately (like I have), but if you continue with the products, your body will continue to heal and you will see even greater benefits. Don't give up!

Here is Sally's story:

Three years
Three years ago today, August 8, 2015, I said yes.
Yes to what I hoped would give me freedom from many health issues. 🙏🏻I remember spending many moments in prayer that this was the answer.
Well, It was.
And little did I know that it would also be the answer to so much more for our little family.....
Back then, I didn’t realize how much my body was deficient in nutrients, and I didn’t realize the importance of gut health. After years of struggling with anxiety from some pretty major life occurrences, I wasn’t able to sleep, had constant head discomfort, severe fatigue, sugar crashes, Auto immune issues, digestive name it. Mentally, I was down. I had lost sight of who I was, or was supposed to be. Each day I went through the motions, and that’s it.
What is my purpose here?
After many consults, tests, tears, meds, I was beginning to give up hope. I was introduced to Plexus products and prayed they worked, but didn’t have much hope.
What are vitamins gonna do anyway?
What I didn’t expect was to be quickly enveloped by a community of people just like me, who could relate, who could love, pray, encourage and share. I started hearing their stories about how these products were changing their lives. How their health issues were being helped.
I started believing. I had a team of people around me, supporting me, working with me, loving me every single day.
Slowly, my health began to take a turn for the better. I started sleeping better, (like no more tossing and turning, but deep restful sleep) less head discomfort, more energy, less yucky tummy....

This photo - it’s crazy to me. You’d never guess I weigh a little more now today than I did in the before picture almost 3 years ago.
I was 7 months into my Plexus journey in that first photo. (I was in Guatemala visiting our church family.💕) The other photo was taken last month, almost 3 years later. If you get your insides healthy, and your mind, it shows. Puffiness - gone. It isn’t about losing weight either. I didn’t need to lose weight. It’s about total body health. Gut health. From the inside out. And it doesn’t happen quickly. It takes time. And it’s so worth it.
Not only was my health changing, but my attitude was too.
My mental health was changing along with it. About a year in, my husband said to me, “I see a difference in you, you’re more confident.”
In the midst of this crazy journey, I was also beginning to find me.
I started realizing what God’s purpose was for me.
My walk with Him was strengthened. I was finding a new joy and a new meaning. (Sharing God’s good news on this platform is pretty amazing).
I believe we were put on this earth to be a light (Matthew 5:16) and to help one another. I was helped through Plexus, and I knew I could then in turn, help others with it as well. Through helping others, God began quickly blessing our family in other ways- financially, prayer support, new Friends, family trips we never ever could have taken before, self reflection and growth, purpose.
This body, this community that we are part of now, has changed our world. I wish everyone could experience it. I wish everyone could hear the stories I hear, read the testimonies, see the changes in people, hear the passion, share in the joy.
Now, three years later, I can look back and see how God has worked through all of this. Financially, we weren’t ever able to give much. Now, we support and fund a church in Guatemala with my family. (It’s not my money, it’s His). We have a child in college and two children in a private Christian school and there is no stress.
Time freedom is substantial. I can go on that field trip, volunteer at school, head to the beach any day of the week, be home with my kids......
I thank God every day for His care and keeping over me and for His bountiful provisions. These last three years have been an amazing journey. You never know what path God will lead you on. But be open to His leading and He will bless it ten fold!

If you are ready to start on your Plexus journey, please contact me. I would love to help you on your journey to better health.

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