Sunday, January 2, 2011


The beginning of a new year is a great time to reevaluate life. I read something that I'll be printing out to hang up to remind myself. The original author of it was not named, but I found it at one of my favorite blogs, Large Family Mothering.


Open your eyes to new faith-filled possibilities.

Recognize your need for order--God is the Lord of order!

Go for it! Get enthused and walk in the joy of the Lord!

Ask God for guidance through the power of His Holy Spirit--this is not just "housework"--this is a major part of your service to Him!

Now is the time to reclaim your home from frustration, chaos and fear!

It may take some work--but don't give up! Even if you are poor or on bed rest--ask God for creative ways to positively impact your home environment and encourage your loved ones.

Zero in on problem areas and think about centralizing things like shoes, baking supplies, toys, school supplies, paperwork, etc.

Expect the best--keep positive--and expect your family to be part of keeping things in order--don't forget to delegate and inspect!

Let all things be done decently and in order.

1 Corinthians 14:40

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