Friday, September 21, 2018

41 Weeks and Counting

I was having a discussion the other day about whether or not maternal age and/or the number of pregnancies increase the chances of post-due date babies. So, I decided to do a little research and see if anything applied to my situation.

  • On average, due dates are actually wrong because the average woman goes 5 days past her due date.
  • The maternal age of the mother can increase the chances of going post-term.
  • If the mother has had a post-term baby before, her chances go up.
I guess that is to say that I am actually only 2 days past my due date if you calculate the average that go over. I am older, obviously, with this pregnancy than in previous pregnancies. And I have had one pregnancy go past the average. All of my hospital births ended up being before their due dates. Since switching to home births, I have had pregnancies that have gone 3, 4, & 5 days over, one right on her due date, and one that went over two weeks over.

Another factor would be more weight gain during pregnancy, however, I have gained less this pregnancy than my previous pregnancies. I usually gain close to 25 lbs and this time I have only gained 17. I attribute this smaller weight gain to Plexus as my eating habits haven't changed. Now, whether that is because it is helping me control my hunger and sugar cravings, or if it is because it has given me more energy so I am more active, or a combination of both, I don't know, but it is the only thing that has changed for this pregnancy.

Even though I am 41 weeks, I feel great (well, as great as a 41 week pregnant lady can feel). I still have energy to continue to do what I normally do in a day so I count that as a total win.

I am intrigued to see how Plexus will affect my labor and delivery as well as my postpartum experience. I have heard wonderful things about how women have experienced better labor and deliveries on Plexus. They also say that they either no longer experience postpartum depression or it is greatly lessened. I even read about how it has increased milk supply for women who struggled with it in the past.

I will definitely continue to share my personal testimony of how Plexus has changed this pregnancy! Do you have a Plexus and pregnancy testimony to share? I would love to read about how it worked for you!

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