Luke 18:27
And he said, The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.
People often look at our family and say that we are crazy. They don't understand how we provide for so many children and on one income (well, one person working 2 jobs) at that. What they don't understand is that it isn't us providing--it is God!
Back 12 years ago when we decided I would quit teaching to be a stay-at-home mom, we weren't sure how it would work either. We wrote out our budget and discovered we were $600/month short every month with just the necessities. Praise God, we were never late with a payment, we always had food to eat and clothes to wear! He always provided in some way from providing clothes from someone or selling something when we needed the money or providing a side job at just the right time. We didn't/don't just sit back and say God will supply; we work where He asks us to work.
Through all our financial struggles, we never stopped tithing (in fact, we never truly tithed 10% until I quit my job). If we were $600 short a month, why did we continue to give 10%? We gave the 10% (and often more) because God commands us to give. He made the impossible possible and I believe it was because we were faithful even when the world told us it was crazy.
God's ways are incomprehensible to us, but He has shown us time and time again that His ways work. We have received many comments about our family size (and I'm sure they will never stop) and we have lost relationships because of people disagreeing with us, but we know God makes it possible for us to love and take care of all our children. Sometimes we do mess up, but God always has our backs and redeems our mistakes.
How has God made the impossible possible in your life?
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