Saturday, April 18, 2015

Small Steps Produce Big Changes

A friend shared a blog post that she had read and her thoughts about it and I thought it was good enough to share with others.

I read an article last week about starting small and celebrating every step of progress...because for me, I do need to start that I am healthy and feel good on the inside too. In the article, the woman wrote, "I'm learning how not to talk about myself in 'parts' at all, but in wholes. 'After all, He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together' (Colossians 1:17). I take that personally. In Christ, all parts of me hold together - every changing shape and curve is held in tight by Christ who came first." At the end of her article, she wrote, "Today, I'll start small again. I'll choose to move when it's time to move, but I'll also remember to be still and reflect as well - to take time to look over the day and celebrate progress, small wins, and tiny victories - both in body and soul." I loved this. As Emily shared yesterday, we are each souls. You ARE a soul, you don't "have" one... and that soul resides in your body and you ought to be amazed at the wonderful work that it is - God created you just as you ought to be - eyes, lips, nose, thighs and rear - He wanted you to be that way. And we would not stand in a gallery and criticize the work of the artist in front of them, so let's not do that to our Creator. YOU are beautifully and wonderfully made - stand in front of your mirror and KNOW THAT FULL WELL - believe it!
Have a wonderful, blessed couple of weeks ladies! It is SO GOOD to do this thing with you all!

You can read the article she refers to here.

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