Thursday, August 9, 2012

Christianity and Modern Medicine

Many people know that we do not prescribe to modern medicine on a regular basis. Sure, if someone had a broken bone, got into a car accident, etc., we would go to the hospital and receive treatment, but for other treatments, we seek natural remedies and natural prevention.

I've often been reluctant to share my feelings because not only do I know many people in the medical field, but I have family members who are doctors, nurses, etc. I am worried that they would feel I was attacking them and their profession when that isn't my intent.

Christianity and the (False) god of Modern Medicine is a blog post I ran across the other day and I thought it was very well written and includes many of my thoughts on modern medicine. The author does a good job of explaining herself and beliefs and has done more research on the topic than I have time to do myself. I suggest taking a look at it.

1 comment:

  1. Good share Darcy. I think she does a good job too.
    I've had thoughts marinading about all of the mothers I know who are on drugs for PND (not saying it's not a real condition), but how they are being treated as flesh beings by their Dr's, not as spirit and flesh. But I don't think I'm articulate enough to write what I want to without people feeling judged.
