Monday, May 14, 2012

To Which Kingdom do you Belong?—A look at Chapter 12 of Be Fruitful & Multiply

“God’s kingdom is a kingdom of life. He is the author of life. He is the one who breathes life into every human being. He loves life. Because He is the author of life, it is precious to Him. Do we value life the same way that God does?”

I have been saying the same thing (in different words of course) for a number of years. It is something I challenge people with often and wish I had the courage to challenge even more people with.

Almost always, people will agree that children are a blessing (especially within the church). While they say children are a blessing, their actions say something different.

Blessings are good things that people are usually eager to receive; however, when it comes to children, they want to limit their blessings. Why? Are we not saying that life isn’t valuable when we deny a life to be born? Many will say that they are not denying life because they have never had an abortion, but as I’ve discussed on my blog before, by trying to take control out of God’s hands of when He blesses you with a child, you may certainly be denying a life to be born. In addition, those who have taken hormonal birth control could have unknowingly caused an abortion because of those hormones. (I still cringe thinking about the years I used hormonal birth control.)

We often read in the Bible times when many babies/children were killed. Why? It was always because Satan was trying to stop God’s plans from succeeding. One instance was when Pharaoh had all baby boys killed to try to stop the Israelites from multiplying. Another was when Herod had baby boys killed because he heard the King of the Jews had been born.

Satan is still at working trying to eliminate life! If he can decrease the size of God’s army, then he is on his way to succeeding. Far too many Christian families have fallen prey to his deceptive plan of shrinking God’s army. It has gotten so bad in our society that we are now being forced to help pay for Satan’s deception! Not only does your insurance money go to help others get hormonal birth control or sterilization if you pay for insurance, but your tax dollars pay for the same thing through Medicaid. Tax dollars are even being used to help support Planned Parenthood which performs abortions and there have even been some court cases that have come to the conclusion that it is okay to “abort” a baby immediately after birth if there is a just cause to have had an abortion beforehand if the mother had known the exact status of her child.

It is sickening for me to see so many Christian families not only buy into Satan’s deception, but to argue for the necessity of his plan and to support it with where and how they spend their money.

I firmly stand in God’s Kingdom and support life in all cases. Where do you stand?

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