Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Why I Need Grace

When we make mistakes as mothers, we need to humble ourselves and admit it to our children and ask for their forgiveness. I struggle with this.  I don't want to be humble.  I don't want to be wrong.  I want to say whatever I do is justified because "I'm the mommy."  But that isn't true.  If I can learn to be humble and ask them to forgive me, then they will grow to do the same thing.  They'll know it's okay to make mistakes, and better to ask for forgiveness.  And they'll know they are loved even when they make those mistakes.
I think, when we are raising children who are also imperfect people, that this lesson is even more important than trying to be perfect all the time in the first place.  We're not.  What does it teach our children if we pretend that we are?  I think it makes them see us as hard, unfair, proud.  It also could make them feel like they are the only ones who fail.  Whatever happens, it's not good for their relationship with us or the Lord.
I'll be imperfect, I'll thank the Lord for His grace, and I'll strive to do better everyday. That's all I can do.

The above is an excerpt from a blog post that I needed to hear. If you would like to read it in it's entirety, head to Keeper of the Home

1 comment:

  1. This was very well said! I needed to hear it as well. Thanks for posting!
