Friday, February 22, 2019


James 1:2-4 KJV 
2 My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; 3 Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. 4 But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Testimony Tuesday

Today's testimony is another one of how God provides.

Since the baby was born, we had been thinking about what we wanted to do when he grew too big for the bassinet.

We had considered having the 2 year old share a twin bed with the 3 year old. We have transitioned to twin beds out of the crib for the past eight children and since we really didn't have room for another twin, we figured the two of them could share (the twins shared when they transitioned out of a crib). If we did this, then the baby could move into the crib. Unfortunately, there were a few problems with this. 1. The baby still wakes at night and he would then be in another room. 2. The other children may wake him up during naps, at night, etc. and 3. The 2 year old wasn't adjusting well to sleeping with her sister (we did a trial time).

Another option was to keep the 2 year old in the crib and put the baby in a pack-n-play in our room. This wasn't ideal because it would mean leaning over so far to put the baby in and take him out as well as the loss of storage space because you can't store anything under a pack-n-play.

A third option was to put a twin back under the lofted bed (the crib has been under the loft) and move the crib to our room. The issue with this is that we would have to buy a twin mattress and we would lose some storage space (we store things around the crib under the loft).

A fourth option came to mind two weeks ago. We could try to find a toddler bed and mattress to put where the crib used to be and move the crib into our room. This seemed like the best option since I was sure I could find a toddler bed and mattress for less than or equal to a twin bed and it would still allow us to keep our storage space.

I posted on my personal facebook page that I was looking for a toddler bed and mattress. I hadn't been successful looking at local sale pages to find anything in our price range in our area. God worked through our friends to provide for us! One friend had an extra crib mattress and another friend had an extra toddler bed. They both gave them to us! What a blessing! The one friend also gave us an entire tote of clothes for the baby ranging from 6/9 months up to 3T!

People often ask us how we can afford to raise a large family with just my husband working. This is how! God provides above our imaginations!

How has God provided for you?

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Testimony Tuesday

For the past month, I have been able to use almost all of my Plexus supplements again. I am taking Slim, BioCleanse, Ease, and VitalBiome (ProBio5 still upsets Gordon's tummy so I'm not taking that yet) and have added Xfactor Plus and the Lean Whey. I usually have a Lean shake 3-4 times a week. I have also been more focused on making sure I drink enough water every day. I am happy to report that I lost 6 lbs last month!

I have yet to start an exercise regimen because the times I have figured I would start, something would happen such as the baby being up a lot the night before, a child being sick and/or myself being sick. I do plan to start something, however. My neighbor and I have discussed walking together, but then the Polar Vortex hit and we weren't about to go walking in 20 below weather (with wind chills even lower!).

I would love for you to share your own weight loss victories below. It is always nice to hear encouraging stories!