Thursday, February 1, 2018

The Eden Concept

I am privileged to be part of the book launch team for a new book-The Eden Concept: Marriage God's Way by Dana & Kimberly Williams!

I received an advance, digital copy of the book to read in order to write my review. I am so glad to have read this book!

The Eden Concept is a book that is much needed in our world. I received my copy at a time when many people were asking advice on marriage issues and this book addressed them all in a biblical way.

While most of the information in this book I have already read in the Bible and believe, it is nice having it all in one place and would be great for anyone thinking about marriage, already married but struggling, or even couples who have strong marriages, but still desire a better marriage.

Also, they did present some ideas I had never thought about before. For example, in the first chapter, they have us look at the book of Ruth "for examples of godly character traits." I while I believe Ruth to be a great love story, I never thought to look at Ruth and Boaz for traits for marriage partners. Why I never saw this before, I can't explain, but it was powerful looking at Ruth in this way.

I also loved how they relate the role of a wife (a helper) to God's character and nature as a helper.

All through the Bible, God is called Helper. God gave Eve a part of His character to define her role in marriage.

People often say that a woman is seen as "less" because she is "just" a helper, but being a helper is displaying a character of God. How can that be "less"?

They also share a story that Dave Ramsey shares in his book, EntreLeadership, that beautifully illustrates the strength of unity in a marriage. In short, a Belgian horse can pull 8,000 pounds by itself. We know that horses can pull more when joined with other horses, but here is where it gets interesting. If two horses that don't know each other are placed together, they can pull 20,000-24,000 pounds, but if you put two horses together who have been trained together, that strength increases even more to 30,000-32,000!

I truly believe this book will help any marriage become a better marriage. I also believe this would be good for any engaged couple to go through. There are questions in the back of the book (divided by chapters) so the book can be used as a study either with just an individual couple or as a small group.

Just think of how our world would be changed if couples got a hold of this book and strengthened their marriages?! Strong marriages create strong families. Strong families create strong churches. Strong churches create strong communities. Strong communities create strong states. Strong states create strong nations. Our nation could be changed by the simple act of couples working on their marriages!

I hope you take advantage of this great resource!

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