Friday, March 1, 2013

February Reading

I didn't read as many books as I had hoped for February, but February is a short month filled with Valentine's Day, my birthday, and the twins' birthdays so I've been busy.

I have started (but haven't finished) Family Driven Faith by Voddie Bauchman. I started reading a borrowed copy, but was then an anonymous giver blessed me with my own copy so I started over and have been making notes along the way which is taking me longer. I'm truly enjoying it!

I also started Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis just two days ago. So far it is very interesting.

I read and finished Living More with Less by Doris Janzen Longacre. I had requested the library find a copy of Cooking More with Less by the same author. They haven't been able to find a copy of that yet, but they found this. I was quite disappointed at first, but then I really got into this book. It is filled not only with lots of ways to live a more frugal life, but also about being a better steward of what God has given us. It made me realize how financially  blessed I am compared to many in this world. (I'm sorry I don't have a picture of this book as I forgot to take one before returning it to the library.)

I also read and finished The Three R's by Ruth Beechick. At first I thought it might be filled with information I already knew (which is why it sat on my shelf for over a year before I actually read it), but I was encouraged to try some new ideas in teaching the younger girls and also reinforced that they know more than I thought they did for their age levels. Even though I was an English major in college and taught English, I was certified as a secondary teacher so I have always struggled a little with teaching things like phonics and simple arithmetic. A nice aspect of this book is that it gives ideas for a classroom teacher as well as a mother who home schools. I have incorporated some of her ideas and the girls (and I) are enjoying school so much more. I plan on reading her follow-up book, You Can Teach Your Child Successfully as well (maybe in March?!). The Three R's covers first through third grade while You Can Teach . . . covers grades fourth through eighth.

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