Sunday, May 22, 2011

LifeWalk 2011

Care Net of Cadillac's LifeWalk 2011 will be happening on June 4, 2011. Usually the walk is held in May, but thankfully it wasn't this year because I wouldn't have been able to participate if it had been (it would have been only two days after Tissa was born).

Care Net of Cadillac's mission statement is:
Care Net of Cadillac is a Christ-centered ministry that works to glorify God and demonstrate His character to the community. We cooperate with the Holy Spirit's leading as we: Defend pre-born children, meet the needs of those facing an unexpected pregnancy, help heal lives traumatized by abortion, and challenge people to embrace a Biblical view of Christ's love and gift of redemption.

The girls and I have been walking every year for a number of years and it is something we all enjoy doing (even though it sometimes rains or snows!). We usually have a goal of raising $500 in pledges, but this year we made the goal of raising $750.  We would love for a number of you to come along side us to meet that goal. If you would like to support us as we walk, you can contact me at memoriesmama @ netonecom . net (take out the spaces) to let me know how much. Care Net of Cadillac will send you a bill for your pledge amount after the walk. 

Even if you can't pledge us as we walk, please pray for Care Net of Cadillac as they are definitely making a difference in the local communities as abortions are down in all three counties!

LifeWalk 2010

 LifeWalk 2009

 LifeWalk 2008

LifeWalk 2007

Celebrations & Sales!

I want to celebrate the birth of Tissa with a sale for both my Creative Memories business and my Norwex business!

Since she was born on 5-5-11, I want to offer 5% off any order that is placed by June 5th. You can also earn free shipping for any order of at least $100 (after discount). You can place an order by contacting me at memoriesmama @ netonecom . net (take out the spaces). If you want to place a Creative Memories order, you can visit the website and then just enter my name as your consultant (if you place the order there, I'll have to send you a refund check for your 5% and/or shipping reimbursement).

I will be taking 10% of my profits from these sales and giving them to Care Net of Cadillac (which is a combination of our local pregnancy resource center, abortion recovery, fatherhood support, and abstinence education). Not only can you save on items you need/want, but you can support a great organization!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Blessings of Adversity

I was just praying this morning about God using the hard things in my life to help me grow. I ask for forgiveness for tending to ask Him to remove those adversities instead of gleaning wisdom from my experiences.

When I got on the computer, I finally had time to read something that came a few days ago--a post on The Blessing of Adversity. I encourage you to read it.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Welcome Tissa!

Our family was blessed by the arrival of our 9th child/daughter on May 5th at 10:54 am. She joined our family at 8 lbs 10 oz and 22". Mom and baby are doing well.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Mother's Day Giveaway!

In anticipation of Mother's Day next week, I want to offer someone the chance to win a gift for either themselves or to give to a mother in their life. I am giving away a copy of the Liberty Baptist Church Cookbook: Feeding the Flock. This cookbook is filled with many delicious recipes (including some of my own!).

I will draw a winner Tuesday night after 6 p.m. so I can mail it out on Wednesday when I go to town (unless having a baby delays that!).

Enter a comment telling me who you will give this Liberty Baptist Church cookbook to or if you'll keep it for yourself.

You can enter again by following my blog (it counts if you already follow, but you still need to leave a comment telling me that you do follow).

A third entry can be earned by sharing about the giveaway on your own blog or on Facebook (make sure you let me know you did this!).

I pray this cookbook is a blessing to whomever receives it!