Monday, April 18, 2011

Statements & Actions Don't Match

People are always mentioning how important education is. I am not debating the importance of education, but these same people don't put their money where their mouths are (but money isn't always the answer either).

If you look at the people who make the most money in our society, the majority of these are athletes and celebrities. Why would we throw our money towards "careers" that have nothing to do with education if education is so important? What message do you think children walk away with when they see that disparity? I think that if people want children to get better educations, they need to be willing to support that education, truly show that they feel it is important and take a good look at how the money is being spent.

How much money do Americans spend on the lottery? Wouldn't that money be better spent on the education they say is so important? The excuse that the lotteries support education is weak because only half (or less) actually go to education and I'm sorry, but I would think that just giving the money to the schools so they receive 100% would be far better. Also, the majority of people who play the lottery are the same ones who take advantage of the "social programs" of the government. If they have money to spend on lotto tickets, they shouldn't need assistance (more about that in another post).

Why is it the government's responsibility to provide education in the first place? Why is it that parents balk at having to buy school supplies, but think nothing of buying cigarettes, alcohol, or even concert tickets or sporting events? Why is it the government's job to provide food for students when that is the parent's responsibility? The parents need to suffer some consequences for not providing for their children. The government has taken over for those neglectful parents for far too long. People are not going to learn if they don't suffer the natural consequences of their choices. Besides, the children who qualify for free/reduced lunches are the same ones whose families qualify for food assistance. Those parents are already being given money to feed their children (more about food assistance in another post).

Yes I know there are some cases where parents are trying their best (but in all honesty, most of even these could be doing more, but that is for another post), but the government is allowing more and more people to neglect their children with all its "social programs".

I attended public school. I've worked in public schools. My girls attended public school at one time. And now I homeschool, so I know a bit about what it truly takes to educate children. You don't need a lot of money to do it well. There is a lot of waste in public schools. I saw it as a child. I saw it as a teacher. I saw it as a parent and now as a homeschooler. I truly believe there needs to be major reform in the public schools.

1 comment:

  1. i agree that there needs to be major reform...not only in schools, but in those government assisted programs as well. and it's not just the parents taking advantage of those programs, it's adults without children. ugh! don't get me started with that one! also, our school gives us a reduced lunch because we have 3 children in school. and yes, i do take advantage of it. they don't always buy the school lunch, but it's there if and when we need it. to me that is peace of mind when my pantry is sparce. i am looking forward to your next posts! because you have an education, you were in public schools, you taught in those schools, and are now a homeschooling mom of 8+, i respect your opinions! =)
