Monday, May 24, 2010

Television in the Home

I have been reconsidering my television choices for quite some time. We don't watch TV during the day anymore with the exception of the occasional cooking/craft show on Create (PBS). There are some shows that I have enjoyed watching in the evenings after the girls are in bed (although nothing where I have to be home and watching it. I only watch if I do happen to be home and have nothing else to do.), but I've been wondering about whether or not I should be watching them. Although I "know" the things people do on them are wrong (adulterous relationships, violence, etc.) I figured that since I knew they were wrong, that it was okay. The Holy Spirit, however, has been convicting of watching them.

A great article about the onslaught of sin that we allow into our homes through the television can be found at Kids Faith. Although I'm not sure I would go as far as to say that television can be viewed as the anti-christ, she does make some good points about television viewing affecting our lives.

1 comment:

  1. Yesterday we celebrated our 42nd anniversary and have NEVER had a TV in our home. Doesn't mean we have never watched a show elsewhere, but when asked, my husband says we don't have time for it which is true. He also says the bad outweighs the good that is shown so we've opted not to bring one into our home!
