Thursday, October 8, 2009


I first want to apologize for being gone for over a month. We have had quite the time lately.

1. Our bathroom flooded which caused damage not only to the bathroom, but the hallway, master bedroom closet, under the kitchen cabinets, and hallway closet. We then had to deal with the insurance company to get that fixed.
2. We built an addition on the house to give us more space (not completed, but we can use it for storage).
3. Our goats were attacked by the neighbor's dogs and subsequently, the mama died. We are still waiting to hear from the prosecutor about if he will take legal action since our neighbor shows no remorse and still lets his dogs run loose (no animal control in our county).
4. Started our school year a few weeks ago.
5. Trying to preserve the bounty of fall harvest.

All these things have contributed to my lack of time to not only be on the computer, but do my own extra studies.

All that to say that this post on a blog I follow really hit home today. May you be blessed by it as well! I also read the following quotation today that fits:

Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors. African Proverb

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