Thursday, October 29, 2009

Blessed by God!

I feel very blessed this week! So many good things are happening to us. I am continually amazed at how good God is! I know that He loves me, and I know that He cares for me, and I know that He wants only the best for me, but it is still hard to fathom all that. Most people wouldn't think much about some of the things that have happened this week, but I see them as true provisions from God.

On Sunday, someone from church gave us a 1/2 bushel of apples because she was tired of canning apples and still had a 1/2 bushel left. I was able to can some pie filling and make some fresh apple crisp and still have apples left to either eat or make more goodies with. Also, a friend dropped off some things she was getting rid of that we needed and I was able to introduce her to someone who was able to help her with a health problem she had been dealing with.

On Monday we received a financial gift in the mail that was completely unexpected! In addition, it lifted our spirits to know not only that we are loved by friends and family, but that God is definitely at work in not only our lives, but of others as well.

Tuesday I picked up beef that my parents bought and are sharing some with us and with my brother's family. I was also able to pick carrots and someone stopped by and helped me finish picking them (my back was killing me!). I was very happy to send her home with some of the carrots as well and I made a new friend!

Wednesday I was able to get so much more accomplished than I thought I would and a friend called to tell me that she had started volunteering at the local INC, Spot and had been given store credit which she was giving to me because she didn't need anything.

Today we finished school early (because we actually got started early!) and I was able to run some needed errands and found some things we needed at the local resale store (where I used the credit my friend gave me!). I was also able to offer an ear to a friend who really needed to talk and I only pray I was able to comfort her as she has comforted me many, many times before. I was also able to help out my neighbor by keeping and eye on her property while she is gone.

This week we have also been milking my neighbor's goat that she is trying to sell as she is not living at the house right now and a milking goat is worth more than a non-milking goat so we are keeping that up for her.

It feels great to be able to be able to "pay it forward" with our blessings! God blesses us in so many unexpected ways that it just makes me look for more and more opportunities for Him to use me to bless others. It really is true what Christ told Paul, "'It is more blessed to give than to receive.'" (Acts 20:32). My prayer is that God continues to use me to bless others and that my eyes be open to every opportunity He gives me to do just that and that I won't be too tired or too busy to see it and that I take full advantage of it. I pray that I can be Christ's hands to those He brings me into contact with. "To God be the glory for the great things He has done!"


  1. It is wonderful to see how God cares for us in our everyday needs.
    How blessed you have been this week
    God Bless
